CAI Seminar Series

Building Useful Robots – From Industry to Household

Talk Title:
Building Useful Robots – From Industry to Household

A robot is a system of systems. Early views of robots often referred to them as mechanical men, with the aim of creating systems that work like humans to assist in daily life. With the advancement of low-cost, sophisticated hardware, robots as coworkers or cohabitants are becoming mainstream. However, software development remains a major challenge, especially for multi-purpose robots that are not dedicated to a single task. Programming such robots requires mission scheduling, task identification, and plan generation on the fly. This talk will explore real-life challenges faced when building deployable robots.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Chayan Sarkar is a Senior Scientist at TCS Research. He completed his PhD at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, in 2016. He holds a Bachelor's and Master's in Computer Science from Jadavpur University (2009) and IIT Bombay (2011). He has worked as a researcher at SICS Swedish ICT in Sweden and is currently a visiting scholar at Yale University.