Portrait of Demis Hassabis
A V Subramanyam
Associate Professor
Multimedia and Vision, Machine Learning
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Angshul Majumdar
Professor (On leave)
Sparse Recovery, Low-rank matrix completion
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Anubha Gupta
Applications of Wavelet Transforms, Machine (Deep) Learning
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Bapi Chatterjee
Assistant Professor
Distributed Machine Learning, Concurrent Data Structures
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Debarka Sengupta
Associate Professor & Head
Computational Genomics, Bioinformatics
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Dhruv Kumar
Assistant Professor
Systems for AI, AI for Systems
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Ganesh Bagler
Complex Systems, Computational Gastronomy
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Gaurav Ahuja
Associate Professor
Identification, Deorphanization and characterization of ectopically expressed GPCRS
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Jainendra Shukla
Assistant Professor
Affective Computing, Human-Computer Interaction
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Koteswar Rao Jerripothula
Assistant Professor (On leave)
Computer Vision, Image Processing
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Manohar Kumar
Assistant Professor
Moral and Political Philosophy, Digital dissent
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Md. Shad Akhtar
Assistant Professor
Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Pankaj Jalote
Distinguished Professor
Software quality, process improvement
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Pushpendra Singh
Mobile Systems and Applications, Middleware
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Ranjitha Prasad
Assistant Professor
Causal Inference, Survival analysis
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Saket Anand
Associate Professor
Geometric Computer Vision, Semi-supervised learning
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Sanat K Biswas
Assistant Professor
Space vehicle guidance, Navigation and control
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Sanjit Krishnan Kaul
Networks of Autonomous Vehicles, Autonomous Driving
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Sayan Basu Roy
Assistant Professor
Control Systems, Robotics
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Supratim Shit
Assistant Professor
Randomized Algorithms, Randomized Numerical Linear & Multilinear Algebra
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Tanmoy Kundu
Assistant Professor
Algorithmic Techniques for Robot Planning , Theory of Computation , Operating Systems, Introduction to Programming
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Tavpritesh Sethi
Associate Professor
Medical Informatics, Big-data for clinical decision support
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
V. Raghava Mutharaju
Assistant Professor
Knowledge Graphs/Semantic Web, Big Data
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Vikram Goyal
Databases, Data Mining
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Portrait of Demis Hassabis
Vinayak Abrol
Assistant Professor
Acoustic modelling and coding, Voice biometrics
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